His professional credentials are: MD (physician), FRCPC (Fellow Royal College of Medicine); Diploma in Psychiatry (McGill University); Diploma in Psychological Medicine (England); and in the past, FRANZCP (Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry).
He has done research into child abuse and abortion for more than 50 years and has authored or co-authored 72 scientific papers and 20 books. He is a life member of the American Group Psychotherapy Association and an associate member of AAPLOG (American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynaecologists).
In his early research, Philip became increasingly aware of the reciprocal connection between child abuse and abortion. More recently he has studied children who have aborted siblings and found they have survivor guilt and intense conflicts that can last a lifetime.
As a semi-retired professor, Philip is currently researching the effects of various kinds of pregnancy losses on women's physical and mental health. With his wife, Dr. Marie Peeters-Ney, he conducts training sessions worldwide. They teach the Hope Alive group therapy method at Mount Joy College (Victoria BC) and lecture to scientific and lay audiences in many countries, (40+). Hope Alive is specifically-designed to treat adults who suffer from the combined deeply damaging effects of childhood mistreatment and pregnancy losses, particularly abortion.
The book Deeply Damaged, describing the empirical basis for Hope Alive. It has been translated into 5 languages. The 52-session Hope Alive program has been carefully monitored with pre- and post-measures. The scientifically-verified results, almost all very good, have been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
With God-given talents, Philip is a musician and composer, sailing ship captain, tree farmer, politician, expert court witness and great grandfather. For all the success and failures, world wide opportunities and safe travel, he wants you to join him in thanking his loving Lord.
Philip was: a cow-milking-before-bussing-to-school farm boy, army and navy cadet, mountain climber, scuba diver, dish washer and bathroom cleaner, commercial fisherman, rugby player (University and town teams), Naval Officer trainee, real estate salesman, School Board Trustee x2, Federal Election candidate x5. He has lived and practised in 5 countries and BC small towns, professor in 5 universities, academic and clinical unit head, established child and family psychiatric units in 5 centres, licensed to practice medicine for 62 years, ocean sailing ship skipper and head of rehab for youth programs, tree farmer, lectured in many places: Moscow, Liviv, Ukraine, House of Lords England, University of Sun Yat Sen China, Ankara Turkey, Washington DC, etc., and is a life-long friend of Jesus. These are shown to indicate why he can empathize with many people and to thank God for all these adventures and not a few misadventures and NDEs.
If you have questions for Philip, please get in touch.